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Showing posts from October, 2011

The Cat and Dog world….

Note: I had always wondered what life is on the other side of the wall; well it’s pretty much the same… I, since childhood had a certain fear…of telling a girl that I liked her (the wall)…but on one fine day (or should I say night)…3:19am to be precise, message someone… ”awake?”… And then ‘IT’ happened… (Worst part- I wasn’t drunk) You must be probably wondering…what the hell! Does this has to do with the name of the topic…trust me, getting there…ok let’s see some characteristics of cats and dogs… CATS - are considered to be -   1.) Cute                                                  2.) Indifferent to others feelings (doesn’t get emotionally attached)                 ...

Mere Awesome Fundey

Engineering is a lot of hardwork...done in one day. I got a wonderful brain but I mostly use it for bad things. I am a timewasteaholic. Finding a clean toilet is like finding a gold mine...people usally don't flush... Time is crusially important...i wish time travel was possible. Life is a party and you have to pay for it. I don't understand...why looking out of the window is much more interesting than what is going in the class?? Oh no i passed a mirror and forgot to look at myself.