How? Just HOW do you happen to like Physics? See, I have been a curious child Since the beginning... i liked to dissect things and see what they are made of ,living-non living alike...people thought, i was crazy...still remember the time when i killed a butterfly (This sounds awful I know ) study it's internal working...that day i got the lecture on living and non living things...after that my area of research was mainly non living thing...but some small creatures use to die under mysterious circumstances...Muhahaha<Evil laugh>...Anyways, So there were only 2 subjects in school that I liked- maths (as it was logical), science (this subject was from people , who were crazy as me & also satisfied my hunger of curiosity)..others were a waste of my valuable time...paid no attention to 11th and 12th i saw this guy Richard Feynman. who amplified the level of my of interest in physics, as physics was the Papa of all other sciences, and bio was not my thing a...
The blog where philosophy meets data science. This blog also has a high degree of random noise. All beliefs are unjustified and I am trying to disprove them, continue reading if you are a sceptic.