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Showing posts from October, 2012

Three kind of people in the world

Well you have always been told that there are 2 kinds of people in the world those who like a certain thing and those who don't, well that's wrong...there are actually three kind of people in the world, 1. those who like X, 2. Those who don't like X, 3. those who don't know whether to like X or not, so they just watch what it is, Say huh with a *sigh* and move on in life. I know this because I am the third kind...for example whenever i watch a video on youtube...I don't think whether i like it or not, but just watch it and move to the next one i don't develop feeling toward a thing so easily , i don't know it's tough to start liking a thing on the first time itself you really should have to be in the mood of like it.

My online avatar

Facebook,twitter omegle,...are undoubtedly the best way to pass your time and all these sites bring out a different side of you...your family is on facebook so you are a good boy there whereas on omegle you become the greatest playboy ever.. that's just how you roll Yo!,But at the end of the day you learn something from it. This blog is about my two different avatars That is Facebook guy/Omegle stud. and the guy i am on linked it(the business circle blog) in which i am a sophisticated guy, Twitter is for my Superstar avatar, Facebook is the guy who everyone think they know, Omegle is the stud guy avatar, and blogger is my Philosophical guy. Google+ is that guy who don't come online everyday. So as in differant phases of life you get to be a different person on different website also you get to be a different person and ya Youtube the crazy guy/superstar avatar.