I am pretty sure you don’t want to waste your precious time reading about a self-made self-boasting explanation of myself, but if you do...who am I to stop you. Hey! I am Saaransh Mehta; I am a 21 years young male, Indian by birth and I’m in my final year of my Engineering Degree doing Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Army Institute of Technology, Pune , Maharashtra, India . I am a Passionately Curious person with deep interest in science i.e. physics, Meta physics, quantum physics, philology, physiology, robotics, embedded systems, micro controllers and digital electronics. I even like to write and sing songs and trying to improve my guitar playing skills and my taste of music is varied and diverse but i mostly enjoy alternative rock, punk rock, pop, acoustic, easy listening, instrumental i.e. Mozart and baroque and my favorites are fusion of old folk Punjabi or Urdu songs with alternative rock. I like to be self-taught and because I am a quick learner...
The blog where philosophy meets data science. This blog also has a high degree of random noise. All beliefs are unjustified and I am trying to disprove them, continue reading if you are a sceptic.