Some time ago, I wrote a blog about retiring before starting. A lot has changed since then, I spent 2 years in a different country. Upskilled in machine learning and data science. I am writing this because recently I joined the same company the one I quit 2.8 years ago. I'm in a state where I'm confident about my technical capabilities, whether it be knowledge about my field, clarity on the core fundamentals or developing a technique to learn and absorb faster. The important thing which makes me valuable is unquenching curiosity about everything. How can I do things better (this is the question which keeps on revolving in my mind)? relentlessly going after the thing I want, openness to make sacrifices and change things about me to achieve them. Learning from my mistakes and not repeating them. Thinking about how I can add value to any interaction. The meta-level learning is to be a valuable person, and I know that requires a lot of sacrifices. It should be beneficial for...
The blog where philosophy meets data science. This blog also has a high degree of random noise. All beliefs are unjustified and I am trying to disprove them, continue reading if you are a sceptic.