Do you know about the law of diminishing returns in economics? or have you heard about the 10,000 hours law about how to be good in anything? Recently my blog has gone through a philosophical change. Actually, a lot of things has changed in my life, this blog is just a reflection of them, like my country of residence, the people I spend most of my time with, my habits, my friend circle, the culture around me, my ways of thinking, my recent experiences. All in all, there has been a significant growth in my personality which has brought me closer to the spiritual truth, if it even exists. Being a sceptic like Rene Descartes, I have decided to let go of all my knowledge or presumptions of things I know, and this blog will be a reflection of some things I assume can be true, but I would only accept them to be true if I fail to reject them (Ho = my knowledge gather over the course of 25 years). So, now to the heart of the problem, Logistic regression. It looks something...
The blog where philosophy meets data science. This blog also has a high degree of random noise. All beliefs are unjustified and I am trying to disprove them, continue reading if you are a sceptic.