I was really motivated in 2015... I had a vision, I had a dream to start a social enterprise to help the farmers of India. I had no money, fewer skills, less network. But high drive, that drive has helped me to do well, all my material success till date has been because of that singular dream, that vision. Five years later, I have a bit more money, more skills, better network and recognition but somewhere along the way I have lost my drive. I don't know why I got exposed to more dimensions of life. Some areas in life, I am not comfortable with, I'm working for a product company to learn how a company works, to earn my living, to contribute in the society in a meaning full way. But is this the meaning I was looking for? I had a dream and I have lost it somewhere along the way. My deepest desires nowadays are to do a PhD, but I'm slightly off the mark, I still want to give PhD a shot. I need to save money for it. I am earning more money in private, I have a stable lif...
The blog where philosophy meets data science. This blog also has a high degree of random noise. All beliefs are unjustified and I am trying to disprove them, continue reading if you are a sceptic.