We are amongst a pandemic, a world-changing pandemic. For many people, their lives have completely flipped, plans for the future tossed out of the window. This is a time for spiritual awaking for many like me, also times for most profound distress where many are getting sick and losing lives or family members. Poor people indeed have the maximum to lose. This world educates you in different ways. You need to have a robust mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional backbone if you want to survive in this world. Productivity is the measure of your existence, productivity is the measure of your importance, either you're directly productive, or you enable productivity. 'Human beings' should be renamed to 'human doings' and as a human, just being simply doesn't exist in today's corporate world. At times, life also becomes unidimensional where work has the biggest priority, some people value family or romantic interests higher than work. Still, there's a trad...
The blog where philosophy meets data science. This blog also has a high degree of random noise. All beliefs are unjustified and I am trying to disprove them, continue reading if you are a sceptic.