Understanding fear
To understand survival we need to first start with understanding fear. Fear is one of our most basic instincts and unarguably one of the strongest motivator, which has helped us live for centuries. it's the default response to any new situation. Now that you have a generic understanding on fear I can continue with my essay.
I am going to ask a lot of questions in the following essay and here's why
I have always been a thinker, thoughts to me come effortlessly. I have known to overanalyze at times, deep thinking over trivial things. I'm a curious person to begin with that's why I have been a thinker.
Have you ever wondered why few have better lifestyle, is it because of the decisions they make or they're fast in thinking ? The most developed sense in a human is common sense, we have higher cerebral strength compared to any other animal in the animal kingdom, evolution has given us the gift to think.
To survive in the jungle we have learned how to hunt, gather, protect our families, and as we evolved we learned how to cultivate food, make homes and live in groups. What kept us going was the will to survive and the other thing was the fear of the unknown. Sometimes going in the unknown is the way to our salvation. That's why people from centuries have been traveling from one place to another - earlier days it was food, water, shelter, but in the current era knowlage has also become one of the basic necessity we are moving to gain knowlage along with the basic necessities
So have you ever wondered why man made everything he ever made ? why did anything ever happened ? What kept us going ? What kept us creating newer advances in science, politics, language, arts, finance or any field for that matter ?
Now let me ask you few more questions How do corporations survive ? How do groups survive ? How do organizations survive ? How a country survives ? How businesses survive ? How military survive ? How people survive ?
To survive in an organization we have to follow the rules of that organization, similarly in society we have to follow the rules of the society
It's like we are a block in the building, we make the society, we are also a grain of sand on the beach but we also make the beach, we are a speck of dust in the universe but we also make the universe
To survive in the complex world, the method humans have adopted is to live in groups, our group can represent anything from an apartment building to a company we work in to a nation we credit our nationality, everything becomes a part of our identity, and this way we associate ourselves to the world, be it as a student from one school or college, employee of an organization or a citizen of a nation. we are just part of a group. I like to visualize it as a piece of lego block in a lego structure or a block in a building.
Some powerful men like entertainers, politicians or religious leaders who believe they can help others survive if they follow their beliefs or join their organization create a new block and try to add pieces to it. They do help others at times but I wonder after all we are all humans and we are all part of the same big block of the universe or earth to be concise, do we really need so many small blocks ?
To survive we live in groups, and that becomes our identity
So why do people move from one company to another or from one country to another or from one religion's belief to another ?
Yes, Survival. Better life, better chances of survival.
Why rose plant which are highly susceptible to catch diseases, planted in the periphery of wine yards ?
Because they are more susceptible to diseases that's what make them useful, they can detect beforehand if any plague is going to effect any grape crop.
So I wonder, following the same logic, Are we humans also catering to save the lives of those poor or weak then us, to get an indication of prospective natural/ biological catastrophe ?
To understand survival we need to first start with understanding fear. Fear is one of our most basic instincts and unarguably one of the strongest motivator, which has helped us live for centuries. it's the default response to any new situation. Now that you have a generic understanding on fear I can continue with my essay.
I am going to ask a lot of questions in the following essay and here's why
I have always been a thinker, thoughts to me come effortlessly. I have known to overanalyze at times, deep thinking over trivial things. I'm a curious person to begin with that's why I have been a thinker.
Have you ever wondered why few have better lifestyle, is it because of the decisions they make or they're fast in thinking ? The most developed sense in a human is common sense, we have higher cerebral strength compared to any other animal in the animal kingdom, evolution has given us the gift to think.
To survive in the jungle we have learned how to hunt, gather, protect our families, and as we evolved we learned how to cultivate food, make homes and live in groups. What kept us going was the will to survive and the other thing was the fear of the unknown. Sometimes going in the unknown is the way to our salvation. That's why people from centuries have been traveling from one place to another - earlier days it was food, water, shelter, but in the current era knowlage has also become one of the basic necessity we are moving to gain knowlage along with the basic necessities
So have you ever wondered why man made everything he ever made ? why did anything ever happened ? What kept us going ? What kept us creating newer advances in science, politics, language, arts, finance or any field for that matter ?
Now let me ask you few more questions How do corporations survive ? How do groups survive ? How do organizations survive ? How a country survives ? How businesses survive ? How military survive ? How people survive ?
To survive in an organization we have to follow the rules of that organization, similarly in society we have to follow the rules of the society
It's like we are a block in the building, we make the society, we are also a grain of sand on the beach but we also make the beach, we are a speck of dust in the universe but we also make the universe
To survive in the complex world, the method humans have adopted is to live in groups, our group can represent anything from an apartment building to a company we work in to a nation we credit our nationality, everything becomes a part of our identity, and this way we associate ourselves to the world, be it as a student from one school or college, employee of an organization or a citizen of a nation. we are just part of a group. I like to visualize it as a piece of lego block in a lego structure or a block in a building.
Some powerful men like entertainers, politicians or religious leaders who believe they can help others survive if they follow their beliefs or join their organization create a new block and try to add pieces to it. They do help others at times but I wonder after all we are all humans and we are all part of the same big block of the universe or earth to be concise, do we really need so many small blocks ?
To survive we live in groups, and that becomes our identity
So why do people move from one company to another or from one country to another or from one religion's belief to another ?
Yes, Survival. Better life, better chances of survival.
Why rose plant which are highly susceptible to catch diseases, planted in the periphery of wine yards ?
Because they are more susceptible to diseases that's what make them useful, they can detect beforehand if any plague is going to effect any grape crop.
So I wonder, following the same logic, Are we humans also catering to save the lives of those poor or weak then us, to get an indication of prospective natural/ biological catastrophe ?