I’ve been an avid player for fourteen years, and I absolutely love this sport. Badminton is one of the major sources of happiness in my life. Because of the amount I have learned from it, I will explain them in more detail below: Apart from being high-speed aerobic exercise, badminton holds a deep meaning in my life. I’ve learned the lessons of discipline, adaptability, hard work, constantly trying to improve my game, fair play and sportsmanship, strategy and tactics, understanding the phycology of the opponent, living in the moment, and most importantly enjoying the sport. The first value of discipline was built because of the desire to mastering the sport. Before badminton I use only to play computer games, I was overweight and lazy. The reason I started playing was that all the pretty girls use to play badminton at my school and I wanted to be friends with them. But later on, badminton became more important than girls. Badminton became more important than computer ...
The blog where philosophy meets data science. This blog also has a high degree of random noise. All beliefs are unjustified and I am trying to disprove them, continue reading if you are a sceptic.